FIRST Vex Robotics Challenge Championship Event via a very sarcastic Metroblogging Atlanta
Well, here goes to why human beings should look before they judge themselves. I hit up Metroblogging above, and found out that FIRST, Dean Kamen's robotics for highschoolers challenge, was holding a Vex Robots championship. My first thought was "Wow -- I guess I'm getting behind the times already. Despite the fact that I just found out about Vex Robotics at Radio Shack, there's a competition already."
Turns out amidst their sarcasm, they kind of skipped the details. First is holding their Championships for the FIRST Robotics Competition, the FIRST LEGO League, and the FIRST Vex Challenge all in the same three days at the Georiga Dome. The FIRST Robotics Competition is more of a free-form, engineer a robotics solution. FIRST LEGO League focuses, natch, on the LEGO Mindstorms platform. And FIRST is trying out a pilot league using Vex Robotics, which is sponsored by Radio Shack.
It's at the Georgia Dome, looks to be open to the public and free, and will have several hundred robots being shown off. And despite the good-humored sarcasm from Metroblogging (I mean, come on -- "Red Hottt Nerd on Nerd Action in the ATL"? That's the best you can do? Not even some "Torquing Off While Getting Your Gear On", or "Master and Servo?" Geez...), it should be pretty neat.
Posted by Ted Stevko at April 20, 2005 12:50 AM