November 13, 2003

A Small Moment From The Political Rhetoric

I browse the web often; I read politics more than I probably should. It's amazing what you can read online. But while browsing a corporal's pictures of her deployment in Iraq, I was struck by this picture. It's a picture I've seen hundreds of times before, pictures I've been in before. Someone making a goofy face while hanging out with friends. This woman could be in college, could be at a bar, could be bumming at a friends house.

Somedays, we forget that it's very, very real people over there. Left, right, really neither matter. We get passionate about our positions, we forget to be polite, we skip being nice and demonize others whom we do not agree with. We toss people around as if they do not matter, and they do. Very much.

Take a moment today and be nice to someone.

Posted by Ted Stevko at November 13, 2003 01:03 PM | TrackBack